Thursday, October 11, 2012

Politics on Facebook...

Dear friends and family: I love you all. I love you all regardless of your political ideologies. Chances are, I know the way you swing politically and have for sometime, and either quietly disagree with you or quietly agree with you. I will guarantee you this, however: nothing political you post on Facebook is going to make me change my mind. This medium does not lend itself to intelligent political discourse, as far as I can tell, as I have yet to see anything posted from either side that isn't meant to be insulting or inflammatory in nature. If you posted something like this on a topic I disagree with, then I am likely disappointed in you and will stop reading your updates. If you posted something like this on a topic I do agree with, then I am likely disappointed in you and will stop reading your updates. The point is, you all seem like petulant, ill-behaved grade-schoolers in a "My daddy can beat up your daddy" contest. All of you are more intelligent than this. Please, think - who do I think I'm reaching with this? And then think - who could I be losing? I don't want to hide your feeds, but I've reached my limit. Thanks.