Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Blog, resurrected

So, it has been years, literally, since I last wrote on this blog. Life happened, and it happened hardcore. Job changes, life changes, a kid with cancer, a molestation case against my wife's ex, a kid with autism, a forced move, readjusting to a new, belt-tightened life. There have been ups as well as the downs, and right now, things are definitely on the up. The trial is finally happening, for good or for ill, Myn and I have both landed great jobs, and my writing bug has finally returned. Hence the resurrection of this once-dead blog. Good thing I picked and appropriate name, huh? Speaking of the writing thang, this last weekend I got to attend the Crossroads Writer's Conference in Macon, GA, and DAMNED was it fun! Not only did I learn a lot from the panels, I got to connect with some fantastically funny, smart, and sarcastically witty people. Special shout outs to Chuck, Matt, Jeremy, Paul, and the ever lovely Delilah! Also, earned a new nickname, thanks to the funny, very drunk Chris Horne. You can call me "TimJim". ~Mark AKA Woeg AKA TimJim